Product Related Answers
Find the answers for all your product related questions in this section.
- What are the dimensions of the tenant sign dividers?
- What size square bases are available for the aluminum posts?
- What is the width of 4" Short Fluted base at its widest where it flares out at the bottom?
- what size posts are used on the Architectural Frame System?
- How long are the carabiner heavy duty hanging sign clips?
- What are the dimensions of the BannerzUp poles?
- What are the dimensions of the vinyl hanging address plate?
- What is the thickness of the vinyl posts?
- Do the sign backers come pre-drilled for the signs?
- How long are the bungee cords used on the BannerzUp Frame System?
- What is the widest width available on the Swing Frame?
- What is the spacing for the pre-drilled holes for the rider clips on the real estate post system?
- Can I use the ground breaker stakes with my 3" aluminum frame?
- How much space is there between my substrate and the posts on the vinyl swing frame?
- If I purchase an aluminum combination street sign, can you provide me with the stop sign and the "all way" sign underneath? It is in the picture, but I don't see it in your pricing sheet.
- What are the inside dimensions are of the 3" square metal posts?
- What hardware is used to attach the street blade frame to the post?
- How does our vinyl mailbox systems compare to our competitors such as Home Depot or Lowe's?
- How does our vinyl compare to our competitors such as Home Depot or Lowe's?
- What post lengths are available for a replacement vinyl mailbox post?
- Can we offer post lengths longer than 8' on the Architectural Frames?
- What size screws are used on the aluminum standard frames?
- How much do the concrete collars weigh?
- Can the street blade frames accept a 3MM or 6MM ACM insert?
- What are the dimensions for the vinyl real estate post arm?
- What do you use to cut vinyl posts without breaking them?
- What are the dimensions of the address plate for the aluminum hanging address marker?
- What are the Grover Frame Standards?
- What are the dimensions of the vinyl standard flat cap?
- What are the dimesions of the driver stake or pounding rod for the BannerzUp System?